Friday, August 24, 2007

Mitt Romney's Health Plan to Rely on Tax Tweaks and Medicaid Overhaul

Romney unveiled his health care plan in Florida today. Read entire story here.

Romney's plan would help people buy private health insurance "in a way that builds on the experience in Massachusetts but doesn't force a one-size-fits-all approach on other states," said Sally Canfield, a Romney policy adviser who previewed the speech for reporters.

Health care has typically been an issue emphasized by Democratic candidates. The former Massachusetts governor has battled to claim it for the GOP by citing the 2006 measure he signed into law to help bring coverage to people who lack insurance.

On Thursday, Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined her own vision for covering the 45 million nationally who lack insurance, although Romney has preferred to deride as "Hillarycare" the universal health program she tried unsuccessfully to implement in 1993 while serving as first lady.

Tweaking our system in a reasonable way without increasing costs sounds enticing to me.

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