Thursday, August 2, 2007

Only Romney Will Give the Country Nominees Like Roberts and Alito

Very interesting story about judges.

A few quotes:

So what would happen if another seat opened on the
court before Bush leaves office? All-out war, probably, and one that would become a leading issue on the campaign trail as well as in the capital.

On the Republican side, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney this month secured the endorsement of Wendy Long, counsel to the Judicial Confirmation Network and a key player in conservative circles when it comes to court nominations.

She told the American Spectator that Romney "is the only one I'm absolutely sure" will give the country more nominees like Roberts and Alito. Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, a social liberal, nonetheless promised Iowa activists this month that he would appoint justices like like Roberts and Alito.

Yep. She's right.

Further, as Romney has pointed out, even if Rudy does appoint good justices (though not likely), he won't legislate the values of conservatives. He's not a conservative and never has been.

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