Monday, September 10, 2007


DICK MORRIS explains here how tightly connected Fred the former lobbyist is still connected to lobbyists.

Thompson was a lobbyist for 20 years before he was elected to the Senate, representing the Tennessee Savings and Loan Association, the deposed Haitian President Aristed and the National Planning & Reproductive Health Association.

Although Fred bills himself as strongly against government interference and handouts, he also lobbied for Westinghouse in its bid for government subsidies for a nuclear power plant in Oak Ridge. After retiring from the Senate in 2002, Thompson went back to lobbying, earning $750,000 since then from Equitas, the British insurance company that wants to limit payments to the families of those who died due to asbestos exposure.

Now Fred's campaign is attracting other lobbyists, who are bundlers and donors to the Thompson campaign....

So the "Fred Thompson for President" campaign -- based on his promises to shake up Washington -- is being run by and paid for by corporate insider lobbyists.

Dick Morris (who knows what he's talking about) continues with lists of names and organizations. To be sure, Fred was a Washington insider at its worst--a lobbyist. And he's still entangled by their cords.

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