Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Fred Thompson sounds like a media novice

John Friedman at MarketWatch writes this story.

Fred Thompson, the actor and presidential candidate, hasn't been wowing me so far.
I know, I know. This guy has been in the race for only one week, right? Horse feathers. In the age of blogs and 24-hour cable channels, the media move way too fast for any candidate. If Thompson is willing to jump into the deep end of the pool, he had better know how to swim.

You know something? For all of the media's checks and exposés on powerful people, we have a sneaky respect for someone who can take charge and show us who's the boss. But Thompson and his staff already appear to be on the defensive. He seems ill-informed on the issues. He leans toward rhetoric when not going through political clichés. He has been flip-flopping, too.

He goes on to talk about Fred's rhetoric on Bin Laden--first he should be killed, then he later said he should get "due process."

Fred's numbers have gone up (post Leno), but should go down shortly with all his gaffes.

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