Thursday, November 8, 2007

Insights from Evangelical Protestants

EFM has the story:

Update: From a reader...

As an Evangelical Protestant, I can confirm that at least for me this endorsement tells me (or confirms for me) much more about Pat than it does about Rudy. I can't imagine that there are more than a handful of us EPs who'd see it differently.

Yep. Pat shot himself in the foot with this endorsement. We already knew lots of reasons why Rudy was bad. Now, we've got one more reason to think Pat is nuts.

Charles Mitchell continues with talk of a Trifecta (Mitt's winning the first three primary states):

The latest polls show Romney 16 points ahead in Iowa and up 15 in New Hampshire. Another poll shows he's picking up all of Thompson's slack in South Carolina, now tied with or leading Giuliani. If he wins those three, he will win Florida and do well enough on Feb. 5 to take it away.

I don't claim to understand the politics of Evangelical Protestants, but I have a hard time believing that an endorsement from Pat Robertson has any value for Giuliani or anyone else. We'll have to see what the next poll looks like in Michigan, but I'm feeling more confident about the first part of my prediction.

Mitt's support is building. The trifecta is coming. Rudy and Fred can see the polls, and are likely getting less and less sleep as a result.

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