Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Sanctuary State of Mind

Romney says he will penalize states with sanctuary cities, driver's licenses for illegal immigrants. Read about it here.

Republican Mitt Romney tried to link rivals Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday, suggesting the two share a "sanctuary state of mind" when it comes to illegal immigration.

First in a new TV ad and then on the stump, the former Massachusetts governor accused Clinton, a Democratic senator from New York, of favoring amnesty for the more than 10 million illegal immigrants already in the country. He also criticized Giuliani, a fellow Republican, for encouraging illegal immigration by discouraging their prosecution while he was mayor of New York.

"I think that sanctuary state of mind has to end in this country," Romney said after speaking to voters at a local farmstand. He suggested retracting federal funding for cities that harbor illegal immigrants and for states that provide driver's licenses and
in-state tuition rates for their children.

"If I'm president we're going to use the power of the federal purse to make sure that as a nation we follow the rule of law," he added.

Romney's right. These two NY liberals are on the same page when it comes to sanctuary cities and/or states.

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