Monday, December 17, 2007

A New Day in New York

A little bit of New York specific news about the Romney for President campaign...

A week ago today, Mitt Romney was in NYC for a fundraiser breakfast. It was a huge success, and we raised over half a million dollars! The venue was packed with hundreds of people. When Mitt took the podium to speak it was standing room only.

We're seeing a new day here in the the Empire State. People are abandoning the native son candidacy of Rudy Giuliani. They're now joining the campaign that, after the tests of the campaign trail so far, has proven it can go all the way to the Whitehouse. Mitt Romney is benefiting hugely in this stage of the contest. His hard work, strong resume, and powerful vision for the future of the country are a winning combination.

In these last days before the Iowa caucus, if you're someone who agrees the game in NY has changed and want to support Governor Romney, you can click here to make a donation and sign-up as a supporter!

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