Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bad Day for McCain (More to Come, However)

I read Hugh Hewitt's original story last night, but was too tired to post. When I went back to his site this morning he had bumped and update it.

I interviewed Michelle Malkin about John McCain's senior advisor on Latino outreach today, and the transcript is here.

McCain's top immigration guy loves open borders. One of many quotes Malkin provides:

Dr. Juan Hernandez, McCain Hispanic outreach director: “We must not only have a free flow of goods and services, but also start working for a free flow of people.”

Tancredo--a huge opponent of amnesty and McCain-Kennedy--can't stand this Hernandez guy. Michelle says this about McCain's #1 immigration guy:

And here’s Tom Tancredo recounting how Hernandez told him that Mexico and the U.S. are not two separate countries, but “just a region:”

Can you believe this? We're an independent country--not a region. McCain doesn't get it at all and neither do his advisors.

McCain said he learned his lesson (after his immigration bill was defeated and his campaign tanked), but I don't believe him. Consider what his immigration chief (Hernandez) did believe and likely still feels regarding the U.S. and Mexico.

By the way, I was born in Mexico to Canadian parents. We came to this great country legally and remained legally. We need more order in immigration not less.
Back to Hugh:

UPDATE: AEI Resident Scholar Stephen Hayward dissects McCain's lamentable exercise in climate change hysteria in this interview.

ORIGINAL POST: A very bad 24 hours for John McCain. First
two polls show Romney leading in Florida, then McCain stumbles on his own quote about not knowing much about the economy last night, gets drawn into global warming hysteria twice, gets endorsed by the New York Times this morning, sees Michelle Malkin figures out McCain's senior immigration advisor, and now this:

We already posted this YouTube yesterday, but I'll post it again since it completes Hugh's post.

McCain just can't get the nomination. He'd be an absolutely wreck on immigration alone!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Bill Clinton's endorsement of John McCain's love for Hillary has to be on that list too! Yesterday was a John McCain trainwreck.