Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Debate Liveblog: Part 2

Q to Huckabee: How is your idea about widening I-95 different than big government projects Democrats are known for?

A: It's not, but it's better stimulus.

Romney: No question that infrastructure helps the economy. But a road project doesn't fix the problem on the time scale of the problem that needs solving NOW. Huckabee's plan is flawed it would take years to have any effect.

Paul: Have to cut spending.

Q to McCain on the housing crisis, what's your plan for helping?

McCain: It's tough. "I don't know as much about the economy as I ought to." "Recessions are psychological"

Q to McCain: Why the flip flop on the Bush Tax Cuts? (Spending or Democrat Class Warfare talk?)

McCain: (oh dear, i've been called out!) He doesn't answer the question. He just talks about the past.

Romney: Ronald Reagan would have been for the tax cut that McCain opposed. Goes on to show his mastery of the government spending problems. "We have to reign in the real big problem, we have to solve entitlements"

Q to Huckabee: Would you change the laws on birthright citizenship?

A: Didn't answer the question

Q to Romney: How do you deport illegals in 90 days?

A: Here's my plan. If you're here illegally today? No Amnesty! If you just got here, you're going to go back home. Kids in school? Complete the school year and then can go home. McCain-Kennedy said all illegal aliens could stay forever by buying a Z-visa.

Millions want to come here legally. They wait in line and shouldn't be penalized. Illegal immigration, that's gotta end.

Q to McCain: If you're original proposal for amesty came to the Senate floor, would you vote for it

McCain Refuses to answer the question.

Asked again, McCain again refuses to answer the question.

Q to Huckabee: Sandra Day O'Connor nomination. Did Reagan make the right choice to nominate her?

A: Dodge

Paul: I would not have appointed her

McCain: As a fellow Arizonan, I'm proud of her. Does not answer the question

Romney: I would rather have had a justice like Alito, Roberts, Thomas and Scalia.

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