Going to give a shot at liveblogging this debate.
I've seen John McCain yawning twice in the first 5 minutes.
Romney is taking the first question on "Is the country better off than it was 8 years ago." Romney answers, "there needs to be a change in Washington"
McCain has the second shot at this question, he says yes, then he says no. He calls that straight talk? Anderson Cooper calls him on it.
Huckabee gets it next, and blames congress for sitting on their hands. He's answering "No" then goes into a populist speech like Edwards.
Ron Paul answers a straight "No," and elaborates on what wrong in his view.
.... Next Question, To Romney "Is McCain a mainstream conservative"
Answer: No. McCain is against ANWR, McCain Feingold made money in politics worse. McCain Kennedy, made illegal immigration worse. McCain Lieberman, will tax our energy. Endorsed by the New York Times.
McCain Rebuts: I wasn't just endorsed by the liberal New York Times! There were lots of other liberal papers that endorsed me! I like working with liberal Democrats.
Romney gets to respond to McCain's attacks on his record as governor. McCain said that Jane Swift was Romneys' Lt. Governor. McCain's facts are wrong. Romney gives McCain a bit of schooling on the economy and the difference between taxes and fees. And Romney points out he left his Massachusetts with a 2 billion dollar surplus.
Q to Huckabee: Rush Limbaugh says you or McCain as the nominee will destroy the Republican party.
Huckabee: "I Love Rush Limbaugh"
Q to Romney, from the internet: Explain Fees again, and Health Care
Romney: Fees cover services, and they are a good thing. Elaborates more on his Health Care solution and how they figured out what works. Eliminate free rides for people who can afford. "That's how you prevent moving towards socialism."
Q to McCain: Do you agree with the Governor of CA or the President of the USA on Global Warming.
McCain: "I love (and fear) Ahnold" And will tax our country's energy to make sure he's doing something about Climate Change. (Even though in his own answer he's not sure it's a real problem???)
Romney: If it's a global problem, it needs a global solution.
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