Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hannity Endorses Mitt Again on H&C

My sister-in-law just told me that Sean Hannity endorsed Mitt on his radio show.
UPDATE: Via Hot Air, here's the audio. Sean Hannity is voting for the best candidate in the our NY Primary next Tuesday! He's voting for Mitt!!!

UPDATEx2: Awesome!!! Sean Hannity just re-announced live on national TV he's voting for Mitt! I'll have to find the YouTube of tonight's Hannity & Colmes


Coach said...

Woo hoo! I've never really followed him much, but this sounds really good.

Coach said...

Also, I just did a little google search, and I think he didn't really endorse Romney. He did a full, long, satirical show yesterday that was supposed to be a big joke. Or something. The news is sparse and not very clear about it.

If he endoresed: woohoo.

If he didn't: big jerk.


Anonymous said...

Here is my letter to Rush Limbaugh and James Dobson:

I clearly understand your position regarding not endorsing candidates. It has made logical sense for many years.

You need to rethink that position. If you don’t, we will probably end up with Hillary as president. McCain probably can’t beat her in the general. Even if he does, he’s not much better than she. It scares me to death to think of the fate of this country in the hands of Pelosi, Reid and Clinton/McCain.

There is way too much at stake for you to withhold your endorsements now. This country needs you. If you truly believe in the conservative values you claim, please rethink your policy and endorse Romney. If nothing else, think of the SCOTUS and Federal judgeships he will fill. Can you imagine a US Supreme Court filled with Justices like the 9th Circuit? Don’t let this happen.

With Giuliani’s endorsement and Huckabee not dropping out, McCain will be well on his way to becoming the nominee by next week without your endorsements. If McCain is the nominee, Hillary will win. Endorsements are powerful, as we saw in Florida. This great country needs you now.

Romney on the other hand will be able to beat Clinton. He has the brain power. He has the money machine base in place. He is a better debater then McCain—especially one-on-one. He has the leadership skills McCain lacks. In a Senator against Senator race, Republicans will have forfeited our trump card of executive leadership experience. You need executive skills to run this country. Neither HRC nor JMc possess those. McCain seems to be much like California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger—you never know what you’re going to get with him either.

Right now, the tide has turned in a dangerous way. Your prior policies of non-endorsement have had much merit. But this time it’s different. Your country is calling on you. Please set aside your policies and endorse the only remaining candidate that can make the difference.

Both of you are great conservative leaders. It's time to put-up or shut-up. Please lead--NOW!! Don't let Hillary happen to us.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

david, great letter!

Anonymous said...

I'd much rather have Sean Hannity and Mark Levin on our side than Arhnold and Rudy!