Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Romney Won this one Hands Down.

I think after Romney's dominant performance tonight, Ahnold wishes he didn't endorse the wrong guy. Schwarzenegger didn't want to announce any endorsement today, I think McCain's people leaked it because they knew it was at risk.

McCain got called out, repeatedly. He was exposed like he's never been before. I was personally amazed, all those MSM journalists and that guy from Politico, they didn't give anyone any breaks. This was a good debate.

Maybe McCain is also going to reconsider (flip flop) his decision to duck a Mano-a-Mano debate with just him and Romney that NBC offered to host on Sunday. Tonight was as close to a one on one that you're going to get I guess, and the main candidates got their lions share of the questions and time.

Sorry McCain, celebrity endorsments aren't going to help you now.

PS: Another near-unanimous "Romney Won" from the focus group on Fox.

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