Sunday, January 20, 2008


It is difficult to find any significant weakness in Romney. He is refreshingly articulate, exceedingly well prepared and self-disciplined, clearly an excellent manager with both private and government experience, happily married with a large, supportive family, and well within the mainstream of conservatism on every major issue. His nomination would not divide the base.

He is just the sort of candidate people complain that they never get.

-Mona Charen

1 comment:

Coach said...

I was just reading the transcript of Meet the Press after SC and Nevada and they were discussing how all of the republican candidates fall short of including all aspects of the conservative coalition. As they ticked through the candidates and specified their deficiencies I wondered what they would say about Romney.

I suppose I should have anticipated that Romney's big fault is changing positions on abortion and gay marriage. But this irks me because 1) he didn't change his position on gay marriage (he still believes in gays having fair treatment, but doesn't include marriage), and 2) his personal view on abortion hasn't changed. That his view of the government's role in abortion has changed is not far removed from the changes in view ALL of the candidates have made in terms of the best governance.

Ultimately, the issue is whether people BELIEVE Mitt. And, the fact that they are more reluctant to do so than with his competitors is a testament to bigotry.

There IS a candidate with the full conservative coalition resume.