Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Blame GOP bigotry for Romney’s fate

A variety of editorials lately have raised the specter of religious bigotry as a driving factor in Mitt Romney’s failure to become the Republican presidential nominee. The feeling expressed was that, overall, Americans will not vote for a member of the LDS faith to be their president. But I wonder if that’s a more accurate reflection of Americans in general or a characteristic of what has become the dominant base of the Republican party.

A Letter to the Editor in The Herald Journal News, Utah -
to read the full Opinion go here

What do YOU think? Is there bigotry in the GOP against non-Evangelical and/or Northeast candidates?


Anonymous said...

Hey this is the newspaper from my city. I write for the Romney's Heroes blog linked to you guys.

Mormons should leave the Republican party because of certain widespread evangelical hatred towards us. They don't deserve our support.

The thing is, Mormons are taught to do the right thing despite the circumstances. That means that we won't vote to allow liberal judges, retreat on terrorism etc... currently, our becoming conservative democrats would do just that. It's apparent our lot in life to be hated by those we try so desperatly to help.

Jenn said...

A lot of people suggest that the GOP couldn't allow a non-evangelical to be the head of the party and lose the evangelical base they have courted so well and so often under Bush. Also - that the Southerners don't want a Yankee at the head of the party. Mitt got double whammed. It's disgusting to see a good man treated the way Mitt was and I've lost a lot of respect for the party - and the Karl Rove/Dubya group. If you remember, it was Dan Bartlett who brought up "the Mormon" issue ("Former Bush White House Communications Director Dan Bartlett has roiled ... has "a real problem in the South" because people will not vote for a Mormon")They seemed to be a part of it. It's an interesting debate - a lot has been exposed during this campaign for sure.