Saturday, February 2, 2008

Consider Mitt, the wrap-up

I started this series to persuade those who have absolutely ruled out a vote for Mitt to reconsider. Most of the reasons for such determined opposition are based on misconceptions. Previous posts have covered all the common character attacks Mitt has suffered. You can read the previous posts in the series here: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), in addition to the wrap up below.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about who to vote for in the presidential election. More time, in fact, than ever before in my life for any previous election. This heightened attention has shown me some interesting things that center around one fact:

Romney is treated differently than the other candidates.

Some people seem to believe he DESERVES to be treated poorly because of [list your fallacy here]. However, this is a circular argument--the only way those fallacies took hold is because Romney was ALREADY given short-shrift in fair treatment.

Take for example, the different ways the media has treated McCain and Romney in regard to "negative" campaigning. McCain has been praised in several news outlets as politically savvy for lying about Romney's Iraq position. McCain's negative campaigning has been painted as a virtue while Romney has been roundly criticized for discussing McCain's unconservative record.

Last night I heard McCain's shifting positions described as a "move" while we all know how Romney's have been characterized! McCain's upticks in the polls are "surges" and his victories are "triumphs" while Romney merely "edges out" his opponents (McCain's "triumph" was a 5 point lead, while Romney's "edging" win was a 9 point lead). The largest win of the race (Romney's huge Nevada margin) wasn't even mentioned on the front page of newspapers like the New York Times, who instead included a toothy photo of McCain in South Carolina.

Suddenly, since Florida, I've seen a number of news stories declaring "it's the delegates that matter". Now, suddenly, with McCain scoring several celebrity and establishment endorsements, endorsements are a big deal.

When Romney led in delegates, state wins, and endorsements (most of the race, actually), none of those things mattered seemingly in the least. In fact, many have called for Romney to drop out of the race after every second place win, no matter how close!

There was a seemingly strong case made last night on NBC news that McCain is trying to unite the Republican party while Romney is trying to stop that from happening. Romney is now being painted the "spoiler." The subtlety of this sophist falsehood is what is so damningly effective. It seems true, but is so wrong.

It is Romney who has, from the start, been including all wings of the conservative coalition, trying with his positive message to unite and inspire.

For whatever reason, the media refuses to allow him the opportunity to be heard, discounting every success as having been bought, discounting every positive message as insincere pandering, and simply shoveling the lion's share of attention on whoever happens to be challenging him at the time. McCain isn't the only media darling, Huckabee had a short stint of adoration, and even Ron Paul squeaked out better press from Nevada than Romney.

It is immensely frustrating to see this happen and to see only minimal commentary from select journalists and a few bloggers that accurately reflects this reality.

I suspect that your reading this means you are not one of the lazy followers this year who will make your decision based on whoever the media happens to be crowning the front-runner. You've come here to learn and read, and you're making an effort to get the facts.

Wouldn't it be nice if an election were merely a matter of choosing who will best lead? If we could put aside appearances and quibbling about what's good and bad in people's records and who said what when and who is most electable... if we could just tap the guy who works the hardest, has the best set of skills, and is in it for the right reasons?

I have a conviction that Romney is that candidate, that capable leader we need, that best option. That conviction has been born when considering his aptitude, his success, and his ability to take a nuanced approach to complex and partisan issues. That conviction has been solidified despite pervasive lies regarding his character. That conviction has been strengthened and deepened when I see Romney respond with dignity and poise to the mountains of unfairness and ugly insults that have come his way.

I agree with the assessment I've read before that it will be OUR loss if we fail to elect Romney president. Romney does not need the presidency. But the American people need him.

For a stronger America, respectfully bring the truth about Romney to your friends and family. And VOTE ROMNEY!

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