Monday, February 4, 2008

How do you combat hidden motives of many of Huckabee's supporters?

A while back I wrote about the two front war that Mitt has had to fight; that of both McCain and Huckabee while they have an unsigned and unannounced truce.

Right For America has the analysis of a study done by a Vanderbilt professor. Interesting read.

They find that a chuck of those believing that Mitt is inconsistent (flip-flopping) are not not quite truthful as they have deeper motives to hide behind. Especially considering the flipping around that McCain has done (Mr. Straight Talk himself).

We must get these people in the open and have them think about what is really at stake.

First, Get through Super Tuesday and still be in contention (get California and Missouri).
Get these people to understand their hypocracy and come out into the open.
Third, Adding those people to the support, Mitt wins the nomination.
Fourth, The inauguration of Mitt Romney as President of the United States.


Anonymous said...

You combat it with speaking the truth in love.

I know it's hard to speak in love because you want to wring their collective necks for being so blind to how liberal and deceptive Huckabee is and that he is also working for John McCain.

I've talked to a few evangelicals and they are afraid Mitt Romney is going to use the Presidency to make the USA a Mormon country.

What's so ironic about this is that it's Huckabee that wants to "win the nation back for Christ" (it was never a nation FOR Christ-but for Freedom of Religion), thus, eventually losing all freedom to worship any religion but what the Federal Govt. dictates.

That's why we fought the American Revolution and left England.

Anonymous said...

#2 misses the mark, I think. Early on in the race, many of them did state unequivocally that they had a problem with voting for a Mormon. For that they got called bigots, briefly retreated, but did NOT change their minds. They re-emerged with objections that were more palatable to the mainstream, but as the good professor pointed out, not the root reason for objecting to Mitt.

My belief is to downplay the religion as much as possible as it demonstrably hurts Romney, and instead try to find as much common ground as possible. Say, "we're on the same side" as much as possible and we want the same things: affordable family formation, preservation of our common culture... middle class values.

I think the worst thing that happened was reacting to Huckabee's baiting and pointing out our differences rather than showing that we want the same things. Huckabee and Romney split the vote that cares about affordable family formation, preserving our common culture, and having a decent society to raise our children.

Teej MacArthur said...

My last minute pre-super-tuesday thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Personally, the whole pro-life movement is about "changing hearts and minds" - yet when they have a convert in Mitt Romney, what do they say -- "you haven't been pro life long enough" --

Honestly, the man has been married to the same woman and together they have 5 sons -- all of whom are married, 4 with children of their own. How can anyone in the pro-life movement question his commitment to life?!

And as a Baptist minister, someone who proclaims to love all as in the eyes of Christ, he is acting very un-Christ-like in my book with all of his bigotry, cheap shots and lies about Mitt Romney. It says a lot about his character.

He's also a very sore loser.

Anonymous said...

Amen !!!!

Anonymous said...

Amen !!!! And that is exactly why I will be voting for Mitt..a dedicated and successful business man, husband and father with what are now referred to as old-fashioned values.

Personally, I don't see why the abortion issue is talked about so much each time there is election. Abortions have been allowed for so long now that unfortunately they are common practice. How many presidents have been elected since Roe vs Wade? and still no change.

My personal opinion is...

I believe in Pro-Choice...and that choice was already made at the time of conception. Therefore, I am Pro-Life :o)