Thursday, February 28, 2008

McCain apology (to Hillary and Obama) angers conservative host

Read the entire story here.

A conservative radio talk-show host said that "he's had it up to here" with Sen. John McCain after the GOP presidential candidate repudiated the commentator's remarks about Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama at a campaign event.

"John McCain threw me under a bus -- under the 'Straight Talk Express,' " Bill Cunningham told CNN on Tuesday, referring to McCain's campaign bus.

Cunningham criticized Obama and Hillary in an introductory speech for John McCain a few days ago. McCain didn't like what was said and repudiated Cunningham's words.

McCain on Wednesday said his concern wasn't necessarily with what Cunningham said, but where he said it.

"I don't intend in any way to tell talk-show hosts or anyone else in America what they should say or not say. This is a country that people believe in free speech," McCain said. "The reason why I had to repudiate that was because it was a campaign event associated with my campaign."

Cunningham had this to say about McCain:

Cunningham said McCain "ought to attack Democrats and quit attacking conservatives like me."

"I, for one, regret that John McCain is the nominee of the conservative party," he said.

This is going to a rough ride for conservatives who are trying to support McCain. John is not making this easy.

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