Monday, February 25, 2008

Mike Huckabee on Weekend Update

I'm not sure why Mike went on this show. In my opinion, he looks like an imbecile.

I tried to think how I would feel if I were a Huck fan. Would his performance have been funny and reassuring? I'd have to be a complete die-hard to not think this man has overstayed his welcome.

1 comment:

SFG said...

I saw it and I thought he looked foolish. He was demeaning himself and the office of the presidency
(a place we hope he never occupies). Enough already. He has become a joke. His miracle over math stuff has gotten really old. He was also on Morning Joe and Fox & Friends this morning doing the same schtick. They joked about whether they could get him to leave the set etc... Ha ha (not). Of course, I am totally biased and think the guy is lower than low. Perhaps Huck fans find the humor in it all and still respect him. I do not.