Monday, February 4, 2008


Nancy French at Evangelicals for Mitt has this story:

I love you, Huckabee fans. I know you're decent people drawn to him because you love God, are pro-life, and pro-traditional marriage. Since all of you are evangelicals, I assume you might be tempted to vote for "one of your own" but are a little nervous about the fact that Rush Limbaugh called him a liberal. It seems counterintuitive to vote for a Mormon, after all, so why not Huckabee?

Well, you've come to the right place. These are just a few of the reasons why unmedicated dental surgery would be better than voting for Huckabee:

1. He plays the "religion" card to appeal to a small subset of rural evangelicals.

4. A vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain --and ultimately Hillary.

7. He's gullible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Intuitive and very well said, Nealie. Huckabee, McBee, or whatever this toad is called, is using the Scriptures to justify his claim that he's better than the Mormon Boy. Well, if he's really a Christian, how is it that he's so un-Christian in his vicious attacks on Romney? Voting for him is like voting for an anti-Christ. Besides, his stand on issues that matter to the American people is wobbly, at best, and downright liberal on the others. A true conservative? McBee or Huckabee, or whatever you are, give us a break!