Tuesday, March 18, 2008

McCain should bury the hatchet and pick Romney

There are four points in Romney’s favor.

Start with the fact he can probably win Michigan for the Republicans. His father was a popular governor in Michigan and Mitt won the primary there this year. With the Democrats having to deal with a delegate fiasco in Michigan, the state is a lot more susceptible to going Republican.

read more here

(source: EnterpriseNews.com)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
Even though it is McCain who picks his running mate as VP, he does have to consider the wishes of the RNC. So I wish EVERYONE who visits this website and supports Romney for VP would email them at info@gop.com and CPAC at cpac@conservative.org. and tell them that WE WANT ROMNEY.
Also, your state and local Republican parties have clout when it comes to selecting the VP.