Sunday, March 9, 2008

Oh, in case you missed it...

Ron Paul officially "winds down" his run for the White House...
(or maybe not?!)

“I don’t mind playing a key role in the revolution, but it has to be more than a Ron Paul revolution.”

Wash Post: Paul ends his campaign

UPDATED: #1 (Comedy Central) Wait, So Ron Paul's Not Quitting? Or Is He?

#2 - In an interview on CNN Monday morning, long-shot presidential candidate Ron Paul, whose campaign is winding to a close, says he is unlikely to support presumptive Republican nominee John McCain and he left open the possibility of mounting a third-party bid for the White House. (more, with CNN video here)


Anonymous said...

Ummm, Where do you get this stuff? Dr. Paul NEVER said he was quitting the campaign. I think someone needs to re-look at the youtube video message and do something called journalism and not an op-ed hit piece.

Anonymous said...

1st sentence of Wash Post article says:

"Rep. Ron Paul has ended his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, breaking the news in a seven-minute video posted on his campaign Web site Thursday."

IZ said...


Since when is mentioning that someone ended there campaign (even if it was inaccurate, though if she(the author) was confused, she was definitely not the only one (see WP article cited above)) a hit piece? Are you Paul supporters that eager to call "hit piece" everytime you see something mildly innaccurate? Was there any ill-intent on the part of the author (of this post)? Straighten up, lighten up, and let these people run there blog. If they are innaccurate, it is fine to try and set them straight. But a hit piece? Come on now!

Jenn said...

Thanks, Iz --

It was anything but a hit piece against Ron Paul. I like Ron Paul. I don't agree with him 100% by any means, but I have no ill will towards the man. I really was just simply directing links to the news about his campaign status changing. When I heard he was not "quiting", I changed the information in an update to reflect that. Sorry for the confusion everybody...