Friday, March 28, 2008

The Ticket Talk

Well, 'NY for Mitt' readers....

What do you think??

Do you want Mitt to run as McCain's VP?
Or do you think Mitt should wait for 2012?
Let us know... send in a comment!


Anonymous said...

We say this is a terrific ticket for two thousand eight.

Our creative crew has commenced a concurrent caption contest.

Please provide punchy prescient punditry for our public platform.

StevenInBrooklynNY said...

Hello, everyone, old and new reading this!

OK, what a cheap way to steer traffic to this site! ;-)

Not that there ever was, but there is even less than of a downside, and more of an upside to a McCain/Romney ticket.

The upside is upper because in the last 45 days, the Dems have gone from being a mere joke, to being a CIRCUS. This makes the serious adult character of a John/Mitt Ticket all the more compelling.

As for waiting for 2012, why? Its not like the VP slot is any longer limited to understudy duties; and McCain needs an economics-intensive runningmate.

Moreover, with four years of Romney as VP, some fraction of the Mormon/Too Conservative/A Tad Inexperienced issues will evaporate.

I'm not thrilled with the proposition of a lack of a serious opposition party in our land, but the Dems aren't a serious party at present. The Dems are a multi-dimensional embarassment and disgrace, so get Mitt in there now, so we can see 16 or 20 straight years of GOP rule!

Anonymous said...

If McCain is smart, he'll pick Romney.

Romney has so much to offer this country... it would be a shame if McCain didn't ask Romney to be his Veep.

Anonymous said...

That photo above does not look like two men who dislike each other terribly. That is a candid moment, and it reveals a certain amount of respect and congeniality. I think these two can put the daggers behind them and move forward. I was once opposed to this ticket, but now I see the possibilities. I'm with Ann Coulter on this one.

Big Jay said...

I've been in favor of a McCain Romney ticket since it became clear that Mitt wouldn't win the nomination. If Romney had won, I would have wanted it to be Romney McCain.

IZ said...

2012 for me, my preference. I despise McCain and don't think a GOP can win after McCain has been president, VP or not, epecially after 2 Bush terms as well. And I don't think Romney should help him win, though I know he will. If Mitt is on the ticket, I will vote for it. I will be sad though, because it will likely mean that Mitt will never be president. You may disagree, but I just don't see it happening in this scenario. But you really can't ever predict what the politcal landscape will be like in the future, so I am reserving hope no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mitt should go VP if McCain wants any support.

Anonymous said...

No Mitt - No Money - No Vote!

Anonymous said...

Good point - no Mitt, no money, no vote! I second that!! Let's send that message loud and clear to McCain and the GOP! WE WANT MITT!