Tuesday, April 8, 2008

"Don’t be surprised when something happens and McCain is gone — pfffft"


From John LeBoutillier on Newsmax.com:
Few things are certain in politics, but as close to certain as possible is the prediction that Condi Rice will not be chosen by John McCain or any other GOP nominee should McCain falter (and there is indeed a 40 percent chance McCain will not be the GOP nominee at the end of the September GOP Convention)...

... As for this odd prediction I keep making that there is a 40 percent chance McCain will not be the GOP nominee: it is a hunch, a feeling that McCain will not make it to the finish line. He does not connect well with people, other than the dozen media flunkies he constantly sucks up to.

Something is going to happen to derail him. A revelation, an event, an unintended circumstance.

America does not elect someone who is at the end of their rope. And McCain is a spent force. Few are for him; his votes will just be anti-Obama or anti-Hillary. There is no enthusiasm for McCain, except among inside-the beltway lobbyists and media types.

So, while he is the presumptive nominee as of now, there are five long months to go.

Don’t be surprised when something happens and McCain is gone — pfffft.

You read it here first.

>> read the full column here: Condi Rice Will Not Be VP

I don't know.... but I will say there have been a lot of folks saying "something" *could* happen before the convention to keep McCain from being the nominee -- a "gaffe" -- who knows... stranger things have happened, and there is a long time between now and the convention.... I guess we file this under: Stay Tuned!


>> From Romney's Heroes blog about this story:

My thoughts: To me, McCain also appears to be a sick man. Have you noticed his coloration? His bad temper? (a health risk) His past bouts with cancer? With all the speculation of McCain needing a vibrant healthy Vice President, one who is ready to take on the job at a moments notice, one cannot help but wonder if even five months is too long a time for Mr. McCain.

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