Thursday, April 10, 2008

Howard Dean feared Candidate Romney the most

Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said Thursday that he feared former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney more than the rest of the Republican presidential field.

Dean told reporters at a briefing Thursday that he was more concerned about Romney emerging as the Republican nominee because of his immense personal wealth and because he’s “articulate.”

Romney dropped out of the race after Super Tuesday and endorsed Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the presumptive GOP nominee. The former governor has since begun campaigning for McCain and is viewed as a possible vice presidential pick.

(source: The Hill)


StevenInBrooklynNY said...

Dean is an idiot. Which means his fears are meaningless.

Anonymous said...

Well, Dean IS an idiot -- but he's right about this.

IZ said...

and he really isn't telling us anything we didn't know. He is the Chairman of the DNC, the same body that put out a significant number more negative press releases about MR than any other repub candidate starting almost 2 years ago. Yeah, we knew he feared him, and he was right to be afraid. MR would have cleaned the dems clock if he was nominated

Anonymous said...

Agree 100% Iz....

Anonymous said...

This explains why the Democrats spent so much time and energy mudslinging on Mitt wheras Huckasleaze was practically left untouched. Mitt is our winner!