Sunday, April 6, 2008

Huck on the No-Mitt ad: “I know somebody had e-mailed it to me beforehand"

From the Washington Times,

At a four-day meeting here of national Republican Party officials, including state party chairmen, there was shock over the latest threat to party unity.

“These are Huckabee supporters behind this anti-Romney message. It's organized,” Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis said.

Huckabee supporters have been sending around an e-mail notice alerting recipients to the anti-Romney message dominated by the block headline “No Mitt.”

“I had nothing to do with the content or placement of the ad,” Mr. Huckabee told The Times. “I know somebody had e-mailed it to me beforehand.”

Mr. Huckabee said of the anti-Romney ad that he has “no position on it one way or the other,” though he added that “I doubt Senator McCain would pick Governor Romney, given their deep philosophical differences.”

>>> Typical Huckaphony -- and very "Clintonesque" I might add.... it reminds me of a certain stunt he played in the primary season. Remember the "I'm not going to run a negative ad, but if I was going to do it, this is what my ad would say... here, watch..."
  • and: Mike Huckabee says he has no idea how the attack ad he has disavowed got out and is now being played all over the Internet and on cable TV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could that "someone" have been the author -- William J. Murray -- who also supported Huckabee??