Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Huck's got news?

From: -- Where Huck's main pal Chuckie Norris also happens to be a contributor:

>> "Exclusive"- no less!!

Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has an announcement coming – very soon.

You can find out exactly when that announcement will be made by going to his new website – And that's all you will find out.

Even those close to the former Arkansas governor swear they know nothing of the details.

Will it just be a website where Huckabee blogs?

Will it be a joke site?

Will he be announcing a new career as a talk-show host or pundit?

Or will be tell the world he is going to be John McCain's running mate?

>> Is it just me or is this guy starving for attention?! (Ugh! Go Away Mike!)

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