Friday, April 11, 2008

Live, from Lancaster...

It is "possible but not probable" that Republican Mitt Romney would be Sen. John McCain's pick for vice president, the former Massachusetts governor told the Intelligencer Journal on Thursday.

Before the banquet, Romney answered questions during a one-on-one telephone interview, talking about the economy, McCain and whether the sting of losing the nomination has gone away.

"I'm not depressed in any way," Romney said. "I come away greatly enriched by the friends you make."

"I believe any leading Republican leader would be honored to be part of the ticket with Senator McCain," Romney said. "I do not believe it's likely that I would be asked to be that person. He has a lot of great Republicans to choose from, and I think he's far more likely not to pick somebody who was a rival in the primary."

Scott Martin, a Republican Lancaster County commissioner, guaranteed a Republican victory in Pennsylvania this fall because, he said, McCain would appeal to Independents and voters in the Philadelphia suburbs, where Democrats have been gaining significant strength in historically strong Republican areas.

Martin said having Romney on the ticket would make McCain stronger.

"Having Romney, it would make a lot of people happy, especially on the economic front," Martin said.

> highlights from an article: Mitt makes the case for McCain

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If McCain doesn't pick Mitt he'll look like a real chump.... you couldn't ask for a better man to be your VP than W. Mitt Romney. He's even sucking it up to say nice things about McCain when McCain took so many cheap shots at Mitt, like in Florida during primary season, suggesting that Romney called for withdrawal time lines in Iraq - a total lie. Unforgivable in my book, by the way. Speaks volumes about the kind of man John McCain is - a very small man indeed.