Saturday, April 5, 2008

VP or no VP? Some Love Mitt, Some Still Don't.

As Jenn pointed out below, an anti-Mitt group has surfaced. They regurgitate many false claims about Mitt, making it clear they would not want Mitt as VP.

The has the following:
McCain Veepstakes: Anti-Romney Movement Starts

Influential conservative Republicans, some of them allies of ex-AR Gov. Mike Huckabee (big surprise, eh?), have launched an online and print advertising campaign to convince John McCain to choose someone other than Mitt Romney for president.

The group has launched an iPetition -- -- that calls on McCain to "reject any consideration of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney as a Vice Presidential running mate."

I'm still uncertain if I want Mitt as VP. Yet, one thing is clear: I don't object for the same reasons these anti-Mitt people do.

I'm not sure now is his moment. In contrast, these folks create a false image of Mitt, and don't want him in power ever.

Nancy French at Evangelicals for Mitt is profoundly disappointed in the Religious Right's leadership on this issue (now, but also throughout the entire campaign cycle). She puts down her thoughts here.

Go here to participate in a poll supporting Mitt for VP.

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