Monday, April 14, 2008

Mitt interviewed by CNBC's Larry Kudlow: McCain's Veep?

Mitt interviewed by Larry Kudlow from April 3: McCain's Veep?

Kudlow: Mr. Romney, you were with [McCain] in Salt Lake City, what a week or ten days ago? What did you guys talk about when you were out there?

Romney: Well, we had some fun. We were in Salt Lake, and in Denver. We were talking to donors and I expressed confidence in the future of the McCain campaign. I’ve asked my donors to be generous in supporting his campaign. I want to make sure we elect John McCain the next President of the United States. And so we spent some time talking about the economy. We talked about the fun of the campaign—some of the humorous experiences we’d had. I spent some time getting to know his campaign team. And it was fun being back on a campaign airplane, seeing members of the press again—some of whom used to follow my campaign.

Kudlow: When you were with him, did you get good vibes from him? How’s your relationship with him?

Romney: You know, we get along very well. Senator McCain was kind enough to campaign for me in ’94, when I ran against Ted Kennedy. He campaigned again for me when I ran in the governor’s race. We’ve been friends on a number of fronts. We worked together on the Olympics. And while we didn’t see everything eye-to-eye, throughout the campaign, we do believe the same things about strengthening our national defense, about strengthening our economy by keeping the scale of government down, and lowering taxes. We care very deeply about America becoming energy independent. We want to see more people have health insurance. So, on major issues of the day, Senator McCain and I are on the same page.

>> more of the interview with Gov. Romney,

including his thoughts on the economy here

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