Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A picture says a thousand words....

William J. Murray pictured with Mike Huckaphony:

From WorldNetDaily.com:

"With Mitt Romney on the ticket there could very well be enough social conservatives staying at home to allow a Barack Obama victory in the fall," said a statement from sponsor Government is Not God-PAC, run by William Murray.

Readers are being directed to a NoMittVP website, where they can express their opinions about Romney as a possible vice president.

**But, apparently you CAN'T express your opinion if you SUPPORT Gov. Romney for VP

>> From William Murray's blog: Murray's Capitol Hill Updates

"So many vile comments were left by Romney supporters at the NOMITTVP.COM website that a volunteer had to stand by to erase those that were most offensive."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, how does this guy know that every "vile" comment left on the petition were by "Romney" supporters and not just people who don't agree with his viewpoint? Or is just every dissenting view considered "vile" therefore pro-Romney, (or dare I say.... must be evil and pro-Mormon!)? I'd like to see what his definition of "vile" is because I find it very hard to believe that Romney supporters would leave nasty comments. We support the Governor and have a right to express that view -- as there was a spot on the petition to check if you support a McCain/Romney ticket -- my guess is there were more pro-Romney signers than anti-Romney supporters. But, hey, that's just a hunch!