Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Vote For Mitt -- and against Huckabee!

Hey... Thanks to some fabulous 'NY for Mitt' readers for this link and info:

Attention Mitt-Supporters!

Ann Coulter has a second poll going now off her website regarding who McCain should pick as his VP.

Mitt is presently at 26% and "Michael" Huckabee is at 16%, but has been closing the gap today.

>> Come on everybody -- VOTE --
let's send a message loud and clear: NO HUCK!!

Please go to either of the links below and Vote for Mitt!

Scroll down to the link on the right side -
just above the link where "Huckabee Defends Rev. Wright"
another tip: under the March 19th date

Otherwise you might be able to go directly to the site at:

*note: at the bottom of the poll is where you submit your vote, so you'll need to scroll down the page to find Mitt -- last check he moved up to 45% to Huck's 29%


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