By leaving the GOP nomination in a timely fashion, Mitt Romney is poised to win with or without a spot on the McCain ticket. Though Romney is certainly hoping to join the ticket as John McCain's presidential running mate, if he is not chosen, he is clearly the leading candidate going into the next election cycle, whether that is in four or eight years.
No one can predict the future, but without Romney on the ticket, it appears more likely than not that McCain will have difficulty in getting into the White House.
full article: The Beehive Standard Weekly
>> video: Romney speaks in Houston
Alaska Gov Sarah Palin on the ticket will get McCain into the Whitehouse.
Palin will not excite the base, does not have the name recognition, organization or band of support that Romney has.... Palin and Jindal will be future stars for the GOP, but this is not the year to run either one of them.
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