Monday, June 30, 2008

Team Obama Using Stalinist Tactics to Silence Opposition?

After some digging it became apparent that several Blogspot accounts had been shut down ... nearly all of them had three things in common: Most were pro-Hillary Clinton blogs, all were anti-Barack Obama, and several were listed on, an anti-Obama website.

I saw this on Instapundit this morning and became a little alarmed.

Who's to say the Obamabots won't come after NY for Mitt next?

Silencing the opposition? That's not change you can believe in! It's a bunch of evil tactics Obama's team is recycling out of a Stalinist communist playbook.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went to Hugh Hewitt's blog this morning. No deal. Someone or something had disabled the site.

Hummm. After reading your post, Jeff, I'm beginning to suspect the Obama camp.