Sunday, August 17, 2008


Great to see this post by Nancy French at Evangelicals for Mitt.

Well, it's been quite some time since I spoke about Mike Huckabee in this space, but he's bound and determined to speak for all evangelicals by saying we don't want McCain to select Gov. Romney for the Veep slot.

Of course, Mike Huckabee has reason for holding this position -- namely because he's trying out for the job himself. But most evangelicals I know regret the turn of events that brought us to McCain as the GOP nominee.

They look at Romney with renewed and repentant eyes. (They look at Huckabee as the IQ test they failed.)

"If only," they say, "we knew then what we know now."

Well, let's hope Sen. McCain can give us another chance.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah - I'm in Michigan and just about every Christian evagelical, Catholic, whatever are all hoping Mitt is picked as VP, and I have never come across a Huck supporter. I don't think there's any point worrying about such a small angry group of people. Michigan wants Mitt on the ticket big time and will be much more likely to vote for McCain is Mitt is on the ticket.

On another note, here's what Huck had to say about how he feels safer in Israel than the US... seems more like something Obama would have said: