Friday, August 22, 2008

Obama's VP, a Choice of Weakness (w/ Updates)

Obama's campaign has been pretty slick about this VP thing, stringing the press along since his humiliating defeat at the Saddleback Civil Forum. Every day Obama's campaign keep them waiting for the announcement, saying it's "eminent" is another day he's suckered them into continuing their sick obsession and Obama worship to the exclusion of covering McCain.

Well I'm here to tell you that the real story about this VP pick is that Obama is making this choice from a position of weakness. At this point Barack was supposed to be crushing his opponent and picking out colors for the Oval Office. Heck, when he was on that world celebrity tour, he practically thought he'd already won.

Instead he's being defeated, in both popular vote projections and electoral votes. He's not "closing the deal" which is exactly what Hillary Clinton predicted would be a major failure of having Obama as the nominee.

Instead of being able to pick any VP he wants, Democrat power brokers will be making a choice for him, because they're scared. If he doesn't make a choice they like, Hillary will probably manage to take away the nomination in the roll call next week. Obama's weakness is what led to them doing a roll call in the first place. He's been caving to the Clintons left and right and you have to wonder why. You almost lose respect for the kid, seeing him get pushed around like he's been.

So I am going to predict that he chooses Hillary for VP. And even thought that would be the strongest Democrat ticket... it will be the ultimate show of weakness by their nominee.

10PM Update: Press now reading tea leaves and think that Obama will pick Biden because a private chartered flight from Chicago landed in Deleware. A few hours before this, it was Bayh... Now Bayh and Kaine have both been told it's not them. Another news bit, rehashing that Obama "didn't vet Hillary" well that's more smoke and mirrors. Honestly, what does Obama need to know about Hillary he doesn't already know? That plane in Deleware, I'm still betting Hillary will be on it. East coast folks know that it's a short hop from NY to Deleware. Obama's team came up with a great way to keep folks guessing and the press focused on the speculation.

Also, Rush Limbaugh predicted that Obama wouldn't dare announce the VP while he was on the air. Rush nailed that one. No worries, Rush has the next 2 months to put his talents into taking down Obama and whoever the VP is.

One last bit... friend called to tell me it won't be Sebelius. He said just the words "Obama-Sebelius" ticket would never sell with average American voters. I joked in response, "yea, you're right, Obama-Sebelius sounds more like a tropical disease than a presidential ticket"


Anonymous said...

Absolutely correct analysis, Jeff. Except that he won't pick Hillary for the very reason he's gotten where he is so far - ego. It's all he's really got. It'll ultimately be his downfall too. Remember... The One is the loneliest number. It's the loneliest number since the number One.

McCain also is the supreme egotist. It's gotten him to where he is today. (It sure wasn't his grades!).....But McCain in all this time has become wise, finally. He will swallow that pride relatively easily and choose Romney. And because there is a newer, wiser McCain on display these days....he will win.

Anonymous said...

And now let me point out what The One's alter-ego just handed him on a silver platter: the worst possible subliminal message he could possibly have generated for his campaign:

Obama-Biden --- Osama bin Laden.
