Monday, September 15, 2008

Battleground New York?

New York could become a surprise battleground in this year's presidential election, with Senator McCain rapidly dissolving Senator Obama's lead in the Empire State, according to a new poll.

The poll by Siena Research Institute, conducted September 8-10, found that Mr. Obama holds a narrow 46-41% lead among likely voters, barely outside the survey's 3.9% margin of error. These numbers represent a decline for Mr. Obama, who led by 8% in the same poll in August, 13% in July, and 18% in June.

New York Sun

FYI: Ronald Reagan was the last Republican presidential candidate to win New York, taking it in 1984.
(NY Daily News)


Anonymous said...

Downstate and Manhattan will overtake Upstate and I highly doubt McCain will win....

StevenInBrooklynNY said...

We can at least give Obama a scare. Make him waste some resources here? Maybe not on the Upper West Side, but the East Side? ;-)

Anonymous said...

New Yorkers have seen phoney politicians of Barack's ilk over and over and over again. They are not fooled by his "glamour" - esp. when it gets down to crunch time.

Keep the stories and Mitt videos and audios coming. You're preforming a great service to his fans.

I'll now predict (for the fun of it) that after taking on some kind of government turnaround commision for President McCain (working with Palin), Mitt will decide/be persuaded to take on the mess in his new state of California - and run to replace Schwartzenegger for Governor! And run for president again at some point from that perch. Otherwise, if something happens to incapacitate McCain at some point, Palin will choose Mitt as her v.p.