Monday, September 22, 2008

McCain admires Cuomo?

More: Check out Village Voice article on Andrew Cuomo - 'How the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history gave birth to the mortgage crisis' (KJL)

Andrew and Mario

Cuomo? [Mark R. Levin]

Andrew Cuomo as SEC chief? Some here have urged McCain to announce in advance that he would only serve one term. I thought that was unwise, but I've changed my mind. I think one term would be plenty. In fact, if I were writing bumper stickers, mine would read: "Obama no terms, McCain one term." These are two terribly flawed candidates.

NRO, The Corner

McCain's surprise pick for SEC Chief: Andrew Cuomo (NY Sun)
>> Also: John McCain & Chris Cox

But wait... there's more!! Check out Michelle Malkin's blog for an update on McCain's rally in Pennsylvania. I'll let Michelle tell ya:

Sorry to spoil your Monday morning, but John McCain is off to a cringe-inducing start this week.

At a rally in Scranton this morning, [McCain] was bragging about the shamnesty bill again and revisiting the “path to citizenship” for illegal alien Irish, illegal alien Hispanics, and every last illegal border-crosser, visa-overstayer, deportation fugitive, and immigration enforcement evader in the country...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The guy is 72 years old. What do you expect of him? Change? If he becomes president, he will be himself, not the McCain during this campaign against Obama. And if the Democrats retain the majority in the senate and the lower house, one will think Obama is the president.