Tuesday, September 23, 2008

'Romney may have been more on money'

Somewhere in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney might be having a quiet chuckle to himself.

Last week as McCain flailed about on the economy, a running mate who was a businessman, Olympics entrepreneur, former governor of a state of 6.4 million and Washington 'outsider' might have made more political sense than a 'hockey mom' governor from Alaska.

McCain, who has admitted that economics is not his strong suit, spurned his chance to pick a number two who could have talked credibly about measures to aid the ailing economy.

On Monday he urged the creation of a bipartisan oversight board to review the Government bailout of Wall Street and ironically suggested Romney should be involved...

more here: New Zealand Herald

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if those people who were suckered by the evangelical lie of anyone but Romney might be suffering GOP nominee regret? Probably not. After all what they wanted was anyone but Romney, and now you get what you deserve.