Friday, September 19, 2008

'Romney to the Rescue' - Again

Under siege from political foes and friends regarding his ability to lead the world's largest economy, Mitt Romney was hard at work... trying to put John McCain back on track.

The former Massachusetts governor, once one of Mr. McCain's fiercest foes in the Republican primary, has since become a loyal surrogate to the Arizona senator, especially on economic matters.

A regular on the cable new circuit, Mr. Romney, a successful businessman in his own right, remains steadfast in his conclusion Mr. McCain is the best man to turn the U.S. economy around.

"There's no question that John McCain has by far the most economic experience of any of the people that are either in the presidential or the vice presidential contest," Mr. Romney said. "He's been in the Senate for 25 years and has been through recession, through upsides, downsides. John McCain has a plan to actually get this economy going again."

Mr. Romney is also a critic of Mr. Obama's plans to increase taxes, arguing such a policy would be a disaster in a weakened economy.

The Bulletin

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