McCain may have pulled out of Michigan, but Romney is not giving up....
From the Wash Post blog The Trail:
The Michigan GOP was not particularly gracious in reaction to Sen. John McCain. "He's a general who left the battlefield in the middle of the fight..."But not to worry. Big-name Republicans have stepped into the breach, coming to the rescue, as one recent state party e-mail put it, to "fire up the troops and raise money for our party." Native son Mitt Romney was there recently for a two-day tour doing events for the state organization, various Republican candidates and for Rep. Tim Walberg (R) , who's in a hotly contested race.
Romney even came by the state headquarters in Lansing after an event for Walberg, the e-mail said, and "thanked everyone for their efforts, encouraged folks to never give up and left us with a surprise check for $50,000 towards our statewide efforts!"
1 comment:
At this point, this election is about the decent man (and woman) winning, and doing everything possible so that the indecent, socialist, lying man-child does not. Let's keep that in mind as we speak with persuadable people and, frankly, we pray, that the unthinkable does not happen.
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