Tuesday, November 11, 2008

RNC chair watch

...some supporters of U.S. Sen. John E. Sununu are encouraging him to run for chairman of the Republican National Committee.

One Web site, DraftSununu.com, describes the national chairmanship as a chance for the GOP to return to its roots. It says, "We can select a leader who embraces the status quo or we can select a reformer, a new chairman who is a young, energetic and articulate."

Union Leader

It would be great to have a guy from the northeast as head of the RNC...

Meanwhile, Huck is trying to get his pal, and former campaign manger, Chip Saltsman, in as head of RNC -


Anonymous said...

Sununu would be great, and Michael Steele is at least better than Newt. I swear, if the party heads in the direction of Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee I am leaving the party. I hope the rumors about Romney not running again in 2012 are false. We need Mitt Romney!

IZ said...

I encourage all mitt supporters to follow the link below and sign the online petition to encourage mitt to run again in 2012, with Gov. Jindal as a recommended possible running mate. Here is the link:


Anonymous said...
