Thursday, February 26, 2009

NYC Tea Party this Saturday

Does the Obama-Reid-Pelosi lurch leftward and irresponsible [insane!] level of deficit spending have you wondering what the heck is happening? The stock market's plunged over 25% since last November and over half the jobs lost in this recession happened since Obama was elected. And the Democrats in DC think passing trillions of dollars in spending on the craziest things will help. Unfortunately, with every spending bill Obama signs into law, your 401k and retirement savings are wiped away, and you wonder if you'll ever get to retire.

Then you hear about the plans to raise taxes thru the roof, and you say

WAIT a SEC, who voted for THIS!?

Wondering what you can do?

Have you heard about the calls for a new "Boston Tea Party" for 2009?

All over the republic, concerned citizens are gathering to make their voices heard. There's been 40 events since someone commenting on how completely out of touch Washington DC has gotten suggested the idea. And now it's New York's turn!

This Saturday at 2PM in City Hall Park in Manhattan they are organizing the NYC Tea Party.

Protesting the irresponsibility of the government's spending.

2:00pm start time: Organizers comments
2:10pm: Confirmed speakers and anyone from the crowd who wishes to address everyone.
2:45pm: Closing statements, press interviews
3:00pm: End. Then head to a bar for some college basketball, drinks and food.

Hope you can make it and make a difference

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