Monday, April 13, 2009

Mitt Romney Discusses the Employee 'Forced' Choice Act


Gov. Mitt Romney discusses the Employee Free Choice Act with media and bloggers.

>> More from The Hill
Romney used a Monday conference call to attack a little-noticed provision in the bill that would require binding arbitration if a union and a business cannot come to a labor agreement within 120 days, which Romney called "about as un-American a thing as I can imagine."

NRO, The Corner: Binding Arbitration from David Freddoso:
Democrats intend card-check as a subsidy for flagging unions' fiscal health and for their ability to influence future elections. But binding arbitration is perhaps more fundamentally dangerous, as it undercuts the labor-management negotiation that is a key part of a functioning free market. It may be onerous to deal with a union, but how much more onerous to have the government force an employer to accept that union's demands.

Also read Mitt's interview on card check @ Human Events
Romney spoke yesterday about the lack of incentive the legislation would provide for unions to negotiate a fair contract within the 90-day window and what mandatory arbitration and government-mandated contract baselines would do to job creation and the American economy.

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