Wednesday, November 11, 2009

'Conservative to the Core'

Governor Romney, Welcome Back - to Florida!
>> read entire editorial here
Monday night at the Duval County R.E.C. Lincoln Day Dinner, over 750 North East Florida Republicans gave a warm welcome to their number one 2008 Presidential primary favorite, Gov. Mitt Romney.

Romney’s speech was principled, impassioned and conservative to the core. He spoke about the dire effects of big government spending and taxpayer funded bailouts crippling an already frail economy, versus limited government which spurs economic growth and empowers Americans to pursue greater opportunities.

Like President Reagan, Romney is a free market, economic supply-sider. He believes in the greatness of the American people to overcome the economic challenges we face, not by mortgaging trillions of dollars in debt to future generations by expanding government bureaucracy.

Our nation and Florida are facing the worst economic crisis since 1975. Florida’s unemployment rate is at a staggering 11% and growing. Mitt Romney is a full spectrum conservative and as such is a natural ally on the life issues. He has the moral fortitude, record, and intelligence to steer this country back on course.

Though the 2012 election may seem a long way off, people are looking to the future for hope. In several of the latest polls, former governor Mitt Romney is the front runner for the Republican nomination. It’s time to start paying attention to what he has to say.

>> Also read: Romney sells out the house at Republican dinner in Florida

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