Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Doesn't get any clearer than this...

Obama just thinks that all private and individual success is attributable to government, and therefore the government has the right to redistribute ever-larger portions of successful people's earnings.  ~Guy Benson,  Townhall

Mitt Romney: ...if you have a business and you started it, you did build it. And you deserve credit for that. It was not built for you by government. And by the way, we pay for government. Government doesn't come free. The people who begin enterprises, the people who work in enterprises, they're the ones paying for government. So his [Obama's] whole philosophy is an upside-down philosophy that does not comport with the American experience. And if we want to get people working again--and that's my priority--if we want to get people working again, we have to celebrate success and achievement and not demonize it and denigrate the people who have worked hard, who are smart, who have made the kinds of investments to build a brighter future.”

A Clear Choice, see for yourself - more here

Obama Ad: Hey, "You Have a Choice to Make," America
We sure do.

The Context Is Clear: Government Didn’t Build Our Businesses
> Editorial boards across America respond to President Obama

He said it and he meant it. "You didn't build that"
Roll the tape one more time... Obama's remarks, Roanoke, VA

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