Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mitt Romney: President Obama Made More Promises He Won't Be Able To Keep

“I was surprised by his address because I expected him to confront the major challenge of the last four years, which is an economy which has not produced the jobs that the American people need. I expected him to talk about 23 million people or at least to talk about the unemployed in America. I expected him to talk about the number of families having a hard time making ends meet, the number of middle-income families who've seen the cost of health insurance go up, the cost of food go up, the cost of gasoline go up, even as their incomes have gone down. I expected him to talk about those things, but he did not. Instead, it was a whole series of new promises which he also won't be able to keep because the policies he believes in and the direction he's pulling will not make America stronger. If President Obama were reelected, we would have four more years of the last four years, and the American people are going to say no to that.”

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