Monday, July 30, 2007

Fred Thompson, Israel and the Spencer Abraham factor

Interesting story over at Rosner's Blog. Fred's campaign manager, Spencer Abraham, is getting people--especially, conservatives and Jewish voters--excited in various ways.

He is the new campaign manager for Fred Thompson, soon to be an official Republican candidate for the Presidency. He is of Lebanese decent. He was one of only a handful of Senators refusing to sign a letter calling on President Bill Clinton to condemn Palestinian terrorism and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, an Arab friendly (and some will say anti-Israel) publication, ranked him fairly high in its evaluation of American Senators. In 2000, it has stated that Abraham was instrumental in getting earmarked aid for Lebanon increased from $12 million to $15 million, and getting $860,000 specified for the "Seeds of Peace" program.
After several other points made about Abraham, Rosner reconsiders:

And maybe this is all a big mistake? I've been spending the day searching for proof that Abraham is really biased against Israel and came up almost empty handed.Yes, there was this letter to Clinton that he avoided, and the questionable aid to Southern Lebanon, but not much more to be found. Abraham, and this should not be forgotten, was representing Michigan, not the most Israel-friendly of states. One might claim that his record as an active anti-Israeli politician in less than convincing.

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