Mitt Romney, who earlier this year stood between John McCain and the Republican presidential nomination, said yesterday he does not expect to seek public office again."I think it's quite unlikely that I would run for office again," he said. "I gave this my best effort. My experience in politics is that the window opens rarely. It opened for me. I stepped through it, got on the stage and did my darnedest to win the nomination. John McCain was successful and I was not."
He added that he now plans to stay active "by being outside of government rather than being inside" and, pressed on whether he was saying he would never run, called another run for office "quite unlikely."
>> full article: Post-Gazette
Say it ain't so, Mitt....
Mitt is being smart by keeping his mouth shut on this topic until after the election. If he were to say that he's planning to run again, the media would twist that into "Romney predicts McCain will lose" or worse yet, "Romney hoping McCain loses".
I have high hopes for Romney 2012. Mitt's had a lot of garbage thrown at him, but he's come out looking better than ever. Go Mitt!
Mitt Romney knows that the anti-Mormon faction in the Republican party will still be powerful in 4 or 8 years time. He may not want himself, his family and his faith to be subjected to the bigotry again. Unless that group realized they are one of the reasons the Republican party became unpopular that made many prominent Republicans jumped ship and endorsed Obama, the party cannot persuade new members. And the party will be a minority party and continue to be in the future. Meanwhile, Romney can write a book or pursue a cause against religious bigotry defending LDS while he contemplates whether he will or will not run for public office again in either Republican or Democratic parties whichever welcomes him. If Sen. McCain loses, someone should advise him to retire in public office. The guy has the habit of crossing the aisle to vote. And he may vote with Obama more often with issues not brought up in the debate like illegal immigration and fairness doctrine as examples.
We'll just have to start a draft Mitt for President then! We need Romney!
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