This story relates to Rudy's strategy of going after the big states that vote on February 5th.
In my view, this is a default strategy--similar to the Iowa Straw Poll--to postpone defeat, since Mitt is hammering Rudy in these early states.
This is written as if Rudy is the author.
Well, the cat’s out of the bag, people. I’ve got a strategy and it doesn’t include chatting up the locals at an IHOP in Des Moines.
Small states are for losers like McCain and that Amish guy. My people have done the math, and like I told Slate.com, I don’t need the fly-overs. Once the real states vote, the nomination’s mine.
I think Mitt's the Amish guy referred to above.
Seriously, New York, Florida, New Jersey - they all love me! Well, except for those NY cops. And firefighters. And gays. Hmmm, maybe the black people are still holding a grudge. But other than that, NY loves Rudy!So go ahead, Iowa. Choke on your Huckabee. Enjoy your reach-around with Thompson, South Carolina. To hell with the lot of you. If you’ve forgotten 9/11, then Rudy’s forgotten you. When I’m president, I’m lumping all of you into one state anyway:
Welcome to Rudistan!
Rudy really has no choice. Mitt's too methodical and has dominated him in Iowa and now NH. Romney's also now surging in South Carolina.
All Rudy can say is that this falls right in line with his "strategy." I'd guess $1,000,000 that Rudy would prefer to begin the primary season with some wins. What do you think?
Acting like Rudy don't care doesn't change the fact that he should care. Losses lose momentum and national poll numbers.
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