Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I agree with Laura Ingraham.

I must say, I was dumbfounded when I read that story on FOXNews a few hours ago.

I saw this at Evangelicals for Mitt (EFM):

A reader brightens my morning with this note, referring to Pat Robertson's endorsement of Rudy:

I love how the Washington Post makes this declaration:

“It also slows any momentum for Mitt Romney within the social conservative movement.”

It slows ANY momentum? I love how one day, the Robertsons of the world are extinct brachiosaurs with little remaining influence, but the next, their endorsements spell the end of a campaign for the guys who didn’t receive the endorsement. Puuuuuuuuuuh-lease.

More at EFM:

Also, K-Lo at the Corner writes:

From one D.C. vet: "opportunism in the pursuit of power trumps principle."

Inquiring minds want to know, of course: Will the first question at any press conference be about 9/11 ?

And not to pile on, but the best line of the day on this might be this one, from an evangelical, making the point that Robertson can't exactly deliver voters in the same way a number of other evangelical leaders can, who responded this morning: "How did Romney pull that off?"

So, it appears this Robertson endorsement of Rudy will likely harm Robertson more than it'll help Rudy.

It's absolutely perplexing for me to see Robertson, co-founder of the Moral Majority, pick Rudy, who might be the most immoral (in terms of known past--even public--behavior) individual in the race.

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